Monday, May 20, 2019

Springtime Fun

I can't believe the year is over! We loved learning about springtime and getting outside to do some hands on exploring. Every one of these kiddos have been so much fun to work with! I'm going to miss them all over the summer and I'm looking forward to seeing a bunch of them again in the Fall. Good luck to those heading off to Kindergarten and other adventures!! Thank you everyone for a great year and enjoy the pictures of our fun and learning.

Looking for turtles and ducks on our field trip to Laurel Park

Planting seeds

Little sprouts are poking up!

Hunting for interesting items to put in the buckets

Signs of Spring

Petting Hopper

More collections

Digging in the dirt

Easter egg hunt

"All the bunnies, fast asleep" (song)

All the bunnies woke up to play!

getting bigger

...and bigger

life cycles

A walk in the rain to study the trees

We found a nest!

We had so much fun learning about how seeds grow!

Number bag


We loved Ms Christen's lessons!


Fun on the balance beam

I love the ramps and bridges

It was great to see a bunch of the kiddos learn how to pump this year

Have a great summer!