Monday, October 2, 2017

September- Fall Farms

We have had a lot of fun with our fall farms theme!

Picking the apples with an A off the apple tree

Library time in the fort

Apple tree art

Cutting apples for our mini apple pies (I tried to resist the need to make an apple pie, but we were reading the book "The Apple Pie Tree" so I felt some sort of literature extension was necessary :). We settled with these crescent roll mini apple pies.

Adding  butter, cinnamon sugar and the apples then rolling them up

They loved making the whole thing themselves

They were delicious!

The next day we made applesauce

My grandma gave me this cool gadget and I love it

You just put cooked apples in and mash it

Play time with the trains

Apple relay races

Fishing for the letter H

Fun on the farm

This may look like a boy under a chair but it is actually little boy blue asleep under his haystack :)

Now he's blowing his horn to get those sheep out of the meadow and the cows out of the corn

Snack time

Painting sunsets to put their barns on

Balancing (with a little help from the fence) on the log walk

They love the bunny
I tried to get more circle time pictures...Here is a "The Little Red Hen" story with the flannel board and props

Exploring the "Little Red Hen" sensory materials...wheat kernels, the flour we ground from the wheat kernels, plastic wheat stalks growing that they could pick from a playdough garden, and playdough bread dough to practice kneading

These two spent a lot of time here

Using wheat flour to make pumpkin pancakes

Unlike in the "Little Red Hen" they were all very helpful :)


Watering the W's

Baskets of vegetables art

Farmers Market fun

Cutting vegetables

Throwing sock balls at the letter S

Working on the scarecrow for their journal page

So cute

More Farmers Market fun

Hey diddle diddle- The big round wood piece is supposed to be a moon

Exploring instruments

Planting a garden/ patterns with seeds art

I love how they are smiling at each other as they swing

He was showing me his collection of leaves he'd found- I love it!