Thursday, February 9, 2017

2016-2017 Co-op Pictures


We've been learning how to pour and the kids are doing great!
scavenger hunt on our "winter in the woods" field trip

Finding community helpers

They loved hammering nails into the potatoes :).

Indoor recess

A beautiful day to be construction workers

I love the community helpers theme

We got a letter!

We are responding to our letter and learning some basic sentence structure like spaces between words and periods at the end. 

Show and Tell- a snowman for our letter S

Making Valentines

Doing some exercise while we learn about doctors
Exploring evergreens at preschool

"The Sweet Smell of Christmas" We read the book and had fun smelling the objects.

A dusting of snow...enough to explore, and fitting for our "winter in the woods" theme.

We did a preschool book exchange which was really cute- the kids were excited to give each other presents.
Checking out their new books.
Preschool is ready for Christmas
Celebrating Thanksgiving

Playing in the leaves

We went on a preschool field trip to the pumpkin patch.
Farmer's Market






I have had so much fun converting the basement to my preschool classroom. We are doing a co-op with a few friends this year and it's been a lot of fun.