Friday, August 17, 2018

Second Day

I normally don't post every day but I took a lot of pictures and I know its especially fun to see what's going on at the beginning of the year.  For our "My friends, family, and Me" Unit we learned about our bodies today and did a lot of movement games and action activities. We also learned about our preschool value of patience and talked about how sometimes our bodies want to move and go places but they need to be patient while they wait for the right time.
Building friendships

We saw a large cicada crawling outside and we all watched it together for quite a while

I love that he thought to bring over the magnifying glass to see it better.

Measuring beans

Eating a delicious snack- pretzels, cheese crackers, and oranges...yum!

Checking out the talking map

More movement activities outside...we had fun setting up an obstacle course

practicing summersaults

It almost looks like he's balancing on the ball :)...he's not, but she is doing a great job on the balance beam

love it!
This is the most patient bunny in the world

The school bus is driving through the playdough

More playdough fun

These pictures are out of order...but still cute!

Good thing a lot of doctors were on hand to take care of all of Ms. Christen's injuries

Awesome work on a tricky puzzle

Hickory Dickory Dock...we had fun running up our makeshift clock while we learned the rhyme

We did a stop and freeze song to practice being patient and holding our bodies still when the music stopped.



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