Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Winter Fun and Learning at Preschool

There has been a lot of fun and learning at preschool this winter. The pictures mostly show outside time, as well as centers and morning trays. What isn't pictured is the learning that happens when I am teaching and working with the kids, but that part is fun as well. I hope you enjoy the pictures of these sweet and hardworking kiddos!

They had so much fun playing outside on this sunny snowy day.

The sled hill was a hit.

Book Exchange

When the backyard is too muddy we sometimes come out to the cul-de-sac

Exploring the ice

We had fun playing Red light, Green light, and "What time is it Mr Fox"

Finding bunny tracks in the snow

Happy Valentines Day

Delicious crepes for snack

exchanging valentines

During a vehicles theme we pretended this red rope was a seatbelt.

These big beads are his favorite to make designs with.

Such a good helper

A perfect day for kite flying

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