Wednesday, September 26, 2012


We have gotten off to a great start! As usual the only pictures I have are when the kids are learning through play (because that is when I think to grab the camera).  I think free time to explore different learning activities is an important part of preschool, but there is a lot we do that is not captured in these pictures.  (See previous post- What Do We Do At Preschool)  I will try to capture some of the other things we do next time. 
By the way, in regards to "the power of play in preschool", I love this article.

We will do many sorting activities.  This color sort is a pretty easy one, but it helps introduce the concept.

The kids have had fun playing with the water table during outside time.

During our "all about me" theme we talked about our bodies and they enjoyed being doctors during centers time.

We used our senses to explore shaving cream during the 5 senses unit.
They are working together to build a campfire to keep the bears away :).
Dancing with Scarves
She was reading books to all the kids who wanted to listen- it was very sweet.  At one point she had 3 more listening.
Enjoying the Leaves
Center Time on the First Day of School
Play-dough is always a big hit.
A huge benefit of play in preschool is the opportunity to work on social skills.

1 comment:

  1. I love getting to see the pictures!! I agree, play is so important for kids.
