Tuesday, December 11, 2012

November Pictures

Art on the easel

Happy Thanksgiving!  A big thanks to Paige for making these adorable hats.

I think I caught her in the middle of eating, but cute nontheless.

A happy Native American

Working in the garden

Wedgits are my favorite blocks and all the kids love them.

Trying to balance the scale

Library time

A busy morning

Using his muscles to stir the gingerbread dough

Rolling it out- yes, it does look like there is a lot of flour on it but even after sticking the dough in the freezer it was super sticky.  We had to use our imaginations that the final result actually looked like gingerbread men :).

Eating our cookies before they could run away.

Friday, November 9, 2012

October Pictures

They were looking for bugs during our bug unit.

Remember those beautiful and warm days?

They all enjoyed the applesauce we made.

We took turns mashing the apples for the applesauce.
Studying leaves

We have been having a lot of fun with the number bag.  Thanks for helping out with that.

Writing letters

A leaf game

We are going on an Autumn walk.

We made leaf prints in our journals.

Exploring pumpkins

We love doing singing time with Mrs. Amy.
Getting out energy on a rainy day.  (Although it looks pretty sunny outside in that picture- ?)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


We have gotten off to a great start! As usual the only pictures I have are when the kids are learning through play (because that is when I think to grab the camera).  I think free time to explore different learning activities is an important part of preschool, but there is a lot we do that is not captured in these pictures.  (See previous post- What Do We Do At Preschool)  I will try to capture some of the other things we do next time. 
By the way, in regards to "the power of play in preschool", I love this article. http://www.teachpreschool.org/2012/07/the-power-of-play-in-the-learning-environment/

We will do many sorting activities.  This color sort is a pretty easy one, but it helps introduce the concept.

The kids have had fun playing with the water table during outside time.

During our "all about me" theme we talked about our bodies and they enjoyed being doctors during centers time.

We used our senses to explore shaving cream during the 5 senses unit.
They are working together to build a campfire to keep the bears away :).
Dancing with Scarves
She was reading books to all the kids who wanted to listen- it was very sweet.  At one point she had 3 more listening.
Enjoying the Leaves
Center Time on the First Day of School
Play-dough is always a big hit.
A huge benefit of play in preschool is the opportunity to work on social skills.

What Do We Do At Preschool?

Just in case you've ever asked your child "what did you do at preschool today?" and they've answered "I don't know" or "nothing", this post is for you.  Here is what we do at preschool and you can use it to ask more specific questions to trigger their memories :).

Center Time
When the children first arrive there are centers set up for them to freely explore.  The centers are:

Home Living and Dramatic Play- This is a place for them to use their imagination.  One day it was a doctor's office, and on another day it was a kitchen.  It may have little people, dolls, costumes, puppets, or stuff to make a fort.

Blocks and Transportation- pretty self explanatory :)  I try to throw in things to match the letter or theme of the day if I think it will be fun for the kids.  For example when we were learning about Aa it had blocks and airplanes, Bb had blocks and boats, Cc will have cars and a car mat, Dd will have wedgits (my favorite building toy) and dinosaurs, For Ee we'll probably do trains (back by popular demand)- so that won't match, but you get the idea.

Science, Nature, and Discovery- So far we've explored magnets, lights, and had fun with exploring the senses during our 5 senses unit.  We will play with different scientific tools like scales, magnifying glasses, and microscopes, and we will do different sorting activities (sink/float, living/nonliving, etc...).

Sensory- Kids love the bean box which I have yet to take out this year.  This center will also have play-dough, water, water beads, sticky boards, and tomorrow we will have a fun cutting activity at the sensory table.

Manipulatives and Fine Motor Activities- This center will have many activities to reinforce skills we are working on and also activities that go with our theme.  For example tomorrow we are starting an apple unit and it will have an apple lacing activity, an apple puzzle, writing manipulatives to help children practice writing our letter of the day, and a coloring sheet for the nursery rhyme we are learning.  It may also have beads, color/shape/number activities, letter sorting, or many other hands on activities to again reinforce what we are learning.

Reading- Books and flannel board stories including ones that go along with what we're learning.  I love a good reading center, but I have yet to figure out a way to make this center more enticing for the kids.  Or maybe comfy is a better word.  If anyone has anything cozy they are willing to donate to spruce it up, or any ideas that are inexpensive and easy to store let me know. 

Circle Time

During circle time we:  Say the pledge of allegiance, learn literacy skills (rhyming, print awareness, etc...) through nursery rhymes, do activities related to the letter of the day, review other letters, and do our number bag (this bag will go home with a different child every Tuesday and that child will bring it back on Thursday) The number bag idea is from this site and I love it!  http://notjustcute.com/2012/05/16/introducing-the-number-bag-teaching-preschool-math-concepts-with-meaningful-objects/  On Tuesdays when we don't do the number bag we will do a color or shape activity.  We also talk about numbers and counting when we do the calendar.

Snack, Art, Free Play

While the kids play with the activites that we had out during center time, they will take turns doing art.

Books, Lesson, Music&Movement

This part of our day is when we really get into our theme.  We learn about and discuss the world around us using books, the flannel board, music, games, and our imaginations. 


Unless the weather is terrible, we go outside every day.  During the winter the grass can be damp so rain boots are a good option.  Outside we play at a water table, play in leaves, play parachute and other group games, and just run around and play.  Yesterday we noticed all the kids busy at work and found out they were working together to build a pretend campfire to keep away the bears that we had found earlier in the day during our bear hunt.  I love their imaginations!

Journal/Table Time

For the last 5 minutes we come inside and sit at the table while they wait to be picked up.  The first task is the journal (Paige made them and they are so cute!).  The idea came from here http://teaching2and3yearolds.blogspot.com/2012/01/journals-with-3-year-olds.html  If they finish before they are picked up they can work with the manipulatives, fine motor, or science activities at the table.

So that's what we do.  If you have any questions or feedback let me know.