Thursday, October 17, 2019

It's Fall!

I had a lot more pictures from this past month than I thought! I hope you enjoy this peek into the fun and learning we enjoy at preschool. I love each and every day I get to spend with these kids!
There was a lot of water play during some of the hot days.

Painting barns


Exploring and cutting vegetables

There are not a lot of things sweeter than kids looking at books.

They wanted more of a challenge on the balance beam so we raised it up.

Using the egg shakers during singing time

Coloring during morning trays

So sweet!

Planting vegetables in the garden 

It was too nice to go inside for our group time (books and songs), so we did it outside.

So much learning

Exploring pumpkins

Making a leaf pile

Picking apples

They love "painting" the foam leaves with water so they stick to the door.

She found this beautiful butterfly leaf

These kiddos were all so cute telling me about all the things they were going to dig up and find...they were looking for dinosaurs and unicorns and all sorts of fun stuff.

We were singing fall songs as we threw the leaves up and let them fall on us.

Ethan loved showing them how circuits work.

Punching out leaves to hang on the "sticky wall"

Fun with obstacle courses

...and wagon rides

Beanbag songs

Playing with the trains on a rainy day