Monday, September 16, 2019

A Month In

We're a month in now, I can't believe it! We finished our "All About Me" unit and have begun "Fall Farms". I continue to enjoy spending my time with all of these sweet kids!

I think I say this every time- but these pictures of everyone busily engaged in different learning activities makes me so happy!

They love play-dough at the creation center.

Showing us their tricks- summersaults...


and bridges

This continues to be popular tray.

I asked them to show me their mad faces when we were talking about feelings!

more mad faces

...and more

Dancing to our teddy bear playtime song and following the song's instructions. This part was "put it on your head and walk around the room".

Exploring the Science/Discovery center

Water play

They usually want to use the paintbrushes and water to clean things, but this time they had fun drawing and writing.

Taking care of the bunny

Making apple pie rolls - yum!

Fun in the active play center

Figuring out which is heavier in the Science center

Snack Time

Tinkergarten class with Graham's Grandma- so fun!

Using their senses

What sinks and what floats? Isn't this homemade pond the best?

Gathering nature treasures in the buckets

Cracking open nuts

Digging in the dirt

Pouring water